Using Invoice Opportunities to Create Invoices

Alex McGinnis
Alex McGinnis
  • Updated

The Invoice Opportunities tool is a bulk Invoice creator and is the primary way to create Invoices from your recurring Invoices.

This article will guide users through how to use the Invoice Opportunities tool to create invoices.

Information on creating a recurring Invoice for a Location can be found here.



This feature is available only to Enterprise subscribers.  To upgrade your ServiceTrade subscription to Enterprise, please contact


Creating Invoices Using Invoice Opportunities

  1. Click the Invoice button in the Navigation bar.
  2. Click on Invoice Opportunities below the Invoice button.
  3. You can search and filter your available opportunities by due month, service line, contract, region, or customer company.  
  4. Fill in the desired information in the available filters, and click the Search button to generate any current Invoice Opportunities.
    • Note: the "Date Range" and Office" filters are required fields.
  5. Select the Locations on the left for which you want to generate Invoices.
  6. Click the green Create Invoice(s) button to create your Invoice(s).



Once I've created an Invoice from the Invoice Opportunities page, how do I find it?

  1. Navigate to the Invoice search page.
  2. Enter the desired Location in the Location field.
  3. Click Search.
    • Unlike other Invoices, a recurring Invoice will not be associated with a Job.



What does "month + 2" mean?

The remainder of this month, + two additional months.  For example, if it were May 15th, we would show you Invoice opportunities ranging from the remainder of this month through the end of July.


How do I see Invoice opportunities further out than month + 2?  The custom view doesn't let me do this either.

This is not supported at this time.  ServiceTrade is designed to bulk create Invoices when they are fairly close to coming up. 

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