Purchase Order Inline Editing (Feb 12th, 2024)

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

Important Note: PartsLedger is now PartsManager. PartsManager retains all of the parts purchasing and warehouse management automation benefits of its predecessor. To read more about this exciting change, click here.

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Today's release sees the addition of Purchase Order inline editing to the PartsManager Office App.

Purchase Order Inline Editing

Many users have asked for the ability to edit Purchase Orders directly on the Purchase Order Page. With today's update, you can now do exactly that!


How Does it Work?

Purchase Orders can only be inline edited when they are in either Created or Partially Fulfilled status. The following sections will show exactly how this new feature works.

Editing a Line Item on a Purchase Order

PO Edit 1.gif

Adding Line Items on a Purchase Order

Adding an item is simple. Click the button and add items like you would normally.

Note: Vendor Price will not autofill. You have to click the Fetch Vendor Price from Price List button.

PO Edit 4.gif

Editing or Deleting Line Items on a Purchase Order

PO Edit 5.gif

Adding an Attachment to a Purchase Order

PO Edit 2.gif

Adding Notes to a Purchase Order

PO Edit 3.gif

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