Setting Up Invoice Link Payments (STAX)

Derek Torres
Derek Torres
  • Updated

IMPORTANT: Accepting online payments via Invoice Link Payments is only available to ServiceTrade customers in the United States.

Invoice Link Payments allows you to accept credit card and ACH payments from your customers online via ServiceTrade's Invoice Link feature.

Before you Begin

Setting up the Payment Portal Integration

The following sections will walk you through the steps and actions needed to set up this payment integration.

Step 1: Set Up an External System in ServiceTrade

  1. In ServiceTrade, click on the Profile picture.
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. On the Account Settings page, click Add an External System in the menu on the right:
  4. Click the Type drop-down menu and select 'Payment Portal' 
  5. Enter a System Name.
    • Must start with a letter, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. Must all be in lowercase.
  6. Enter a System Label:
    • This is the display name for your system. This will be shown throughout ServiceTrade.
    • See below image for a suggested name for your external system:
  7. Click the Save Button.

Step 2: Complete the Stax Payment Enrollment Form

Review the Payments Enrollment Checklist and collect all necessary information.

Follow the steps below to enroll in Stax Payment. If successful, you will be enrolled into a special "ServiceTrade Pricing Plan." This does not include a monthly enrollment fee, like some standalone Stax plans.

  1. Click the enrollment form link on the configuration screen to begin the enrollment process.
    • Leave the configuration screen open for now because you must enter your API keys into this screen later.
  2. Step through the enrollment workflow, and enter the information you collected on the Payments Enrollment Checklist at each step. Make a note of the email address and password you provide in the first step. Once enrollment is complete, you will need these credentials to log into the Payment Portal.
    • Note: Despite not being on the Enrollment Checklist, STAX often requires a voided check and/or a bank statement with your application, otherwise STAX may not be able to process it and ask for resubmittal.
      Once you have completed the enrollment workflow, your enrollment application will be processed. This process typically can take between 4-5 business days.
  3. Once enrollment is complete, go to the Payment Portal and log in with the email address and password you provided in step 2. If you can log in, continue to the next Section.
    • You can check your enrollment status by logging into the Stax Payments enrollment form.

Step 3: Setting up the Payment Portal

  1. Click 'Apps' in the menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Click the 'API Keys' option in the list of available apps.
  3. Click the 'Launch' button.
  4. On the API Keys page, click the 'New Key' button.
  5. In the New API Key popup, click the 'Save' button.
  6. Click the 'Reveal' button next to the newly added API key.
  7. On the ServiceTrade payments configuration page, copy the Web Payments Token, and then paste it into the Payment Portal Public Key field.
  8. Copy the API Key and paste it into the Payment Portal Private Key field.
  9. Click the 'Connect to Payment Portal' button.
  10. Configure the payment settings to match the needs of your business.
    • Note: the maximum amount should be less than the largest credit card and ACH transaction size that you provided during payment enrollment.
    • You can choose whether to accept credit cards and/or ACH payments, and you can also choose the minimum and maximum dollar amounts for which you want to accept payments for each method.
    • Example: if you only want to accept credit card payments for invoices up to $100, but you want to accept ACH payments for invoices of any amount, you would configure your payment settings as follows:
  11. Optional: If you wish to use different payment integrations for different offices -- for instance, if some offices use a different bank account to receive online payments -- you can create multiple payment integrations and scope each integration to a list of offices. See this support article for more details about configuring multiple payment integrations.
  12. Click the Save Configuration button to save your payment settings.

What Do My Customers See?

Now that payments are configured, your customers will see the 'Pay Now' button on any invoices that have at least one valid payment setting:


Example: Using the payment settings shown above, if the invoice amount is $600, then the 'Pay Now' button would appear because ACH payments are accepted for any amount. However, if you were to configure the payments settings to only accept credit card payments (by changing 'Accept ACH Payments' to 'No'), then the 'Pay Now' button would NOT appear, because no payment methods are accepted for a $600 invoice.


Invoice Link Payment FAQs


Payment Enrollment Checklist

Click the link below to download the ServiceTrade + STAX Payment Enrollment List:

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